New Sponsor
Cwm Taf University Health Board [Finance 1st Floor]
2 Evolve (UK) Ltd [Unit 1]
AFAQ For Leadership Development L.L.C [11th Floor Centro Capital Center]
AL-AHLIYYA AMMAN University [University Post Office]
AQURANCE SA [62 Kiffisias Avenue]
Abbeycare Scotland [Erskine Mains Home]
Aberdeen City Council *PO Required* [Marischal College]
Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership [Lower Ground Floor]
Aberdeenshire Council PO required [Woodhill House]
Aberdeenshire Council Housing & Social Work *PO Required []
Aberlour Childcare Trust (Stirling) [36 Park Terrace]
Academic Programmes International [301 Camp Craft Road, Suite 200]
Adoption UK [Adoption Uk - Scotland]
Advancement Fee Waiver [Internatiionalisation & Partnershiips]
Advancement Scholarships [Internatiionalisation & Partnershiip]
Agencia Nacional De Investigación Y Desarrollo [Agencia Nacional De Investigación Y Desarrollo]
Agreements and Discounts Overseas [Communications, Marketing & Recruitment]
Alexis and Anne-Marie Habib Foundation [6 Grosvenor Street]
Algerian Consulate [5 Portal Way]
Alliance Insurance Company [4 Bowker Road]
Alltech [Alltech Coppens Bv]
Allzheimers society UK PO REQUUIRED [3 Riverside]
Alpha Omicron Pi Foundation [5390 Virginia Way]
Amansie Central District Assembly [Po Box 07]
American School of Brasilia [Sgas Ii 605]
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board [342049 Accounts Payable Ocr]
Angus Council (Corporate Planning & Human Resources) [Corporate Planning And Human]
Angus Council (Housing Headquarters) [Mrs S Philbin]
Angus Council (Organisational Development Team)PO REQUIRED [Angus Council]
Angus Council (Workforce Development) PO number required [Workforce Development Team]
Angus Council Vibrant Communities and Sustainable Growth [Housing Strategy]
Angus Health and Social Care Partnership [Ravenswood Office]
Aomori Public University [153-4 Yamazaki Goshizawa]
Arcadia University [The College Of Global Studies]
Ardenglen Housing Association [355 Tormusk Road]
Ardfern School [Unit 1 Block1]
Argyll & Bute Council (Improvement & Organisational Development) [Improvement & Organisational]
Argyll & Bute Council - Dunoon [Argyll House]
Argyll & Bute Council - Rothesay [Rothesay Victoria Annexe]
Argyll Street Surgery [246 Argyll Street]
Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership [Victoria Annexe]
Armadale Academy [West Main Street]
Ascend [Ascend]
Association of Dispensing Opticians [Association Of Dispensing Opticians]
Atlantic Technological University [Ash Lane]
Atomi University [International Affairs]
Atrium Homes [14 Central Avenue]
Audit Scotland [4th Floor]
Ayrshire College [Finance Dept]
Ayrshire College (HR Department) [Dam Park]
Ayrshire and Arran Acute Hospitals NHS Trust [Anp Clinical Nurse Managers Office]
BLACKWOOD HOMES AND CARE [Blackwood Homes & Care]
Baillie Gifford & Co [Calton Square]
Baldwin Wallace College [Study Abroad Office]
Balhousie Care Group [Head Office]
Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust [Bcsir Complex]
Bangkok Patana School [643 Lasalle Road (sukhumvit 105)]
Bank Rakyat [Uk Visa & Immigration]
Bank of Namibia [71 Robert Mugabe Avenue]
Barclay Medical Practice [East Craigs Medical Centre]
Barclay Medical Practice [51 Gairbraid Avenue]
Barclay Medical Practice [Carmondean Health Centre]
Barnardo's Greenock [Barnardos Nurture Service]
Barnardos (Mitchell Street Glasgow) *PO Required* [Barnardos Pace]
Barnardos (Scotland) *PO Required* [111 Oxgangs Road North]
Barns Medical Practice [Barns Medical Practice]
Barrhead Housing Association [60 - 70 Main Street]
Barts Health NHS Trust [St Bartholomew's Hospital]
Bay Medical Group [1 Heysham Road]
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust [Occupational Therapy Service]
Bergen University College [Fakturamotttak]
Bessemer Trust [2 International Place]
Birmingham Women's & Children's NHS FT [Rq3 Payables 7405]
Bradley University [International Program]
Braesview Medical Group [Meadowbank Health Centre]
Bret Contreras [1722 E.pinchot Avenue]
British Association of Prosthetists & Orthotists (BAPO) [The Orthotic Education & Training]
British Council [10 Spring Gardens]
British Council Malaysia [The British Council]
British Geological Society [Learning & Development Co-ordinator]
British United Provident Assocation [Bupa Place]
Brown University [University Human Resources]
Brunei Darussalam High Commission [Students Unit]
Buckinghamshire New University [Queen Alexandra Road]
Butler University [Ifsa]
CAF LTD & SISIP Life Insurance Manulife [P.o. Box 1030]
CARRONBANK MEDICAL PRACTICE [Carronbank Medical Practice]
CCIS - Montana State University [Office Of International Programmes]
CELCIS [University Of Strathclyde]
CIS Australia [Cis - Centre For International Studies]
CSM Academy International [03-01 Spcs Building]
Cairngorms National Park Authority [14 The Square]
Caledonia Housing Association [5 South St John's Place]
California State University Monteray Bay [100 Campus Center]
Callander Medical Practice [Callander Medical Practice]
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [Hills Road]
Cambridge University Press and Assessment [The Triangle Building]
Canara Bank [Basavanagudi]
Capgemini UK [12 Balmakeith Business Park]
Cardiff Community Housing Association [Tolven Court]
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board [Finance Department]
Cardlane Limited [20 Indescon Square]
Carevisions [Bremner House]
Carmarthenshire County Council [Organisational Development Team]
Castlehill Housing Association [4 Carden Place]
Center for International Programs [Office 123]
Center for International Studies (CIS) [25 New South Street #102]
Central Bank of Belize [Central Bank Of Belize]
Central Bank of Seychelles [Central Bank Building]
Centre for International Education [Hcm Univ Of Social Sciences And Hum]
Centre of Nurse & Midwifery Educ. [Education Centre]
Cernach Housing Association [Cernach Housing Association]
Charlestown Surgery [3 Main Road]
Chartered Banker Institute [Drumshuegh House]
Children 1st (Glasgow) [Unit 8000 Academy Park]
Children's Hospice Association [Canal Court]
Children's Hospice Association Scotland [Rachel House Children's Hospice]
Citadel Youth Centre [175 Commercial Street]
City of Edinburgh Council *PO Required* [Payments And Procurements]
City of Glasgow College (Occupational Development) *PO Required* [Dept Of Occupational Development]
City of Glasgow College *PO Required* [Finance Office 5th Floor]
Clackmannan Community Hospital [Hall Park Road]
Clackmannanshire Council (Kilncraigs)PO REQUIRED [Creditors]
Clackmannanshire Council (Lime Tree House) [Lime Tree House]
Clark University [Directr. Study Abroad/study]
Clyde Valley Housing Association [Clyde Valley Group]
Clydebank Housing Association Ltd [77 - 83 Kilbowie Road]
Cointelegraph [2004-06, 20/f, Strand 50]
Colfutoro [Cra 15 No 37-15]
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar [Communities Department]
Community Pharmacy Scotland [42 Queen Street]
Connecticut College [270 Mohegan Ave]
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia [Av. Insurgentes Sur 1582]
Cornerstone UK [Gf2 Oxford House]
Corseford College [Howwood Road]
Cowper Care [Gasgoine House]
Craigdale Housing Association [83/85 Dougrie Road]
Crieff Medical Centre [Crieff Medical Centre]
Crisis Skylight [Cranston House]
Crossreach (Glasgow) [Glasgow Regional Office]
Culford School [Culford School]
Cunninghame Housing Association [Quayside Offices]
DMP Healthcare (Cherry Orchard) Ltd [2nd Floor Congress House]
DO NOT USE - 2022/3 Fee Reconciliation []
DO NOT USE - 2022/3 Fee Reconciliation []
DO NOT USE - 2022/3 Fee Reconciliation []
DO NOT USE - 2022/3 Fee Reconciliation []
DO NOT USE - 2022/3 Fee Reconciliation []
DO NOT USE - 2022/3 Fee Reconciliation []
DTGen [160 Clober Road]
Dalian University [No 10 Xuefu Street]
Dementia UK [7th Floor]
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine [Davitt House]
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries [Melanie Cruickshank]
Department of Health Ireland (Learning & Development) [Block 1, Miesian Plaza]
Deptartment of Health Northern Ireland [Department Of Health]
Diageo Technical Centre [Menstrie]
Doncaster College [The Hub]
Drax Group [3rd Floor Aldeer Castle]
Dumfries & Galloway (Lifelong Learning) [Lifelong Learning Centre]
Dumfries & Galloway Council (Headquarters) *PO Required* [Chief Executive Service]
Dumfries & Galloway Council (Learning & Developmnet) [Learning And Devlopment Team]
Dumfries and Galloway College [Bankend Road]
Dundee City Council (Learning & Organisational Development) [Corporate Services]
Dundee City Council (Social Work) *PO Required* [Social Work Department]
Dundee City Council (Staff Development Service) [Staff Development Service]
ELCAS Authorisation required - Ministry of Defence **FG** [Elcas]
EURO NEWS SAA [56 Quai Rambaud]
Earnest Loan [Income Office]
East Ayrshire Council (Dept. of Educational & Social Services) [Dept Of Educational & Social Services]
East Ayrshire Council (Educational & Social Services) [Educational And Social Services]
East Ayrshire Council (Headquarters) [Civic Centre South]
East Ayrshire Council (Learning Support) [Learning Outdoors Support Team Base]
East Ayrshire Council (Organisational Development) [Organisational Development]
East Ayrshire Council (Training Section) [Training Section]
East Bio [University Of Edinburgh]
East Cheshire NHS Trust [Rjn Payables B235]
East Dunbarton Coucil Health & Social Care Partnership [10 Saramago Street]
East Dunbartonshire Council (Employee Development) [Employability & People]
East Lothian Council (Social Work) [Business Support Administrator]
East Renfrewshire Council *PO Required* [Creditors Payment Section]
East Renfrewshire Council (Housing) [East Renfrewshire Council]
East Renfrewshire HSCP [Eastwood Health & Care Centre]
Edge Hill University PO required [Finance Department]
Edinburgh & Lothian Health Foundation [2nd Floor Waverly Gate]
Edinburgh College *PO Required* [Finance Office]
Edinburgh Napier University *PO Required* [Finance Department]
Education Scotland [Knowledge Management Team]
Egyptian Cultural & Educational Bureau - Masters [International Recruitment Manager]
Egyptian Cultural & Educational Bureau - Reseach [International Recruitment Manager]
Elemental Energies Ltd [29 Abercrombie Court]
Eltoma Cyprus Limited [10 Georgiou Gennadiou]
Embassy Of The Arab Republic of Egypt [4 Chesterfield Gardens]
Embassy of the State of Kuwait *FG Reqd* [Cultural Office]
Embassy of the State of Qatar [Cultural Attache’s Office]
Endeavor [Ministry For Education And Employment]
English Heritage Trust [100 Wood Street]
Exemplar Health Care [Ferham House]
External Awards Overseas [Communications, Marketing And Recruitment]
Falkirk Council (Camelon Educaiton Centre) [Camelon Education Centre]
Falkirk Council (Education Dept.) [Education Services]
Falkirk Council (Employment & Training Unit) PO required [Falkirk Council]
Falkirk Council (Headquarters) [Corporate And]
Falkirk Council (Social Work Services Training Section) [Workforce Development]
Falkirk Council (Social Work Services) [Social Work Services]
Falkland Islands Government [Secretariat]
Ferguslie Housing Association [The Tannahill Centre]
Fife College [Pittsburgh Road]
Fife Council (Housing Services) [Housing Services]
Fife Council (Social Work Service, Staff Development & Training Sectio... [Social Work Se...]
Florence Nightingale foundation [10-18 Union Street]
Forest Research [Alice Holt Lodge]
Forth Housing Association [146 Drip Road]
Forth Medical Group [Forth Medical Group]
Forth Valley College (Falkirk) [Staff Dev Co Ordinator]
Forth Valley Education Commitee * PO REQUIRED [Carseview House]
Forward Express Logistics [296lt. Lartebiokorshie-accra]
Fulton Street Medical Centre [94 Fulton Street]
Future Finance Loan [77 Sir John Rogerson's Quay]
GNPC Foundation [No 2 Esikafo Ambantem]
Gambia Government Award [Personnel Management Office]
General Nursing Council Fund [C/o Nes Education For Scotland]
Georgetown University [Office Of Global Education]
Georgian Court University [Global Education Programs]
Ghana Education Trust Fund [42nd 4th Close]
Ghana Government [The Chief Director]
Ghana High Commission [Head Of Education Section]
Ghana National Petroleum Corporation [Pmb Tema]
Glasgow Caledonian University [The Finance Office]
Glasgow City Council (Early Years & Ext Childcare Services) [Early Years & Ext Childcare Serv]
Glasgow City Council (The Halt Service) [The Halt Service]
Glasgow City Council (Training & Development Centre, Social Work Servi... [Traini...]
Glasgow Clyde College [Cardonald Campus]
Glasgow Kelvin College [123 Flemington Street]
Glen Oaks Housing Association [3 Kilmuir Drive]
Global Corporation for Renewable Energy [1365 Dubuque St.]
Golden Jubilee National Hospital [Finance Department]
Govan Housing Association [35 Mckechnie Street]
Government Banggai Regency [Street Area Office Banggai Regency]
Government of Belize [Ministry Of Education, Culture, Science & Tech]
Government of Gibraltar [Department Of Education]
Government of India National Overseas Scholarship [Education Wing]
Government of Jersey - Mental Health [Le Bas Centre]
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [Rn3 Payables 7435]
H.I.S. Co. Ltd [Nippon Building]
HN-one [Darlington Head Office]
Hallpark Medical Practice [Hallpark Medical Practice]
Hampshire Adult's Health & Care L&D [Learning & Development]
Hanover Housing [95 Mcdonald Road]
Hebei Normal University [20 Nan'erhaun East Road]
Hemsley Fraser [74-94 Fore Street]
Heriot Watt University *PO Required* [The Finance Department]
Highland Council [Highland Council Headquarters]
Hillhead Primary School [Hillhead Primary School]
Historic Environment Scotland *PO Required* [Purchase Ledger Team]
Home Group [2 Gosforth Park Way]
Huntercombe Group [Murdostoun Neurological]
Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland [Huntingtons Disease Association]
IGS ECOLE [12 Rue Alexandre Parodi]
INPA [Diagonal 27 No 15 09]
INTO University Partnerships [One Gloucester Place]
ISA (International Studies Abroad) []
Illinois State University [Office Of International Studies]
Imperial College Healthcare [C/o Elfs Shared Services]
Improvement Service [West Lothian Civic Centre]
Indiana State University [Ceg-education Abroad Program]
Indiana University [Financial Manager]
Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre [Ibioic]
Inspire Scotland Ltd [Red Tree Magenta Suite 1.12]
Institute of Public Health in Ireland [Institute Of Public Health Ireland]
Instituto Nacional De Gestao De Bolsa De Estudo [Bairo Talatona Rua Do Mat]
International Undergraduate Award £5K [Admissions & Access]
Intesa San Paolo [Via Risorgimento 1]
Inverclyde Council [Municipal Buildings]
Inverclyde Health & Social Care [Business Support Co-ordinator]
Inverness College UHI []
Iolanthe Midwifery Trust [Iolanthe Midwifery Trust]
Irish Rugby Football Union [10/12 Lansdowne Road]
Isle of Man Education Authority [Hamilton House]
Isle of Man Govermant (Department of Education, Sport and Culture) [Student Awards Section]
Isle of Man Government (Education Sport) [The Department Of Education Sport & Culture]
Isle of Man Government (Student Grants, Education, Sports & Culture) [Student Awards]
Isle of Wight NHS Trust [Learning And Development]
James Johnston & Co of Elgin Ltd [Johnstons Of Elgin]
Kasumigaseki Travel Bureau Inc. [Shoyu-kaikan Building]
Khana Local Government Council [Khana Local Government Council]
Kier ConstructionPO REQUIRED [Maple Lodge Close]
Killin Medical Practice [Laggan Leigheas]
King Edward VII Hospital [St Marys Walk]
Kingdom Housing Association [Housing Management]
Kinglass Medical Practice [Kinglass Medical Practice]
Kwansei Gakuin University [Center For International Education And Cooperation]
Kyoto Tachibana University [Mika Town]
Lander University [Office Of Financial Aid]
Langstane Housing Association [680 King Street]
Largs Academy [Largs Academy]
Laurent Bienfait Woodland Services Ltd [Laurent Bienfait Woodland Services Ltd]
Leicester Partnership NHS Trust - Research & Development team [Research & Development Team]
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust - Huntington’s Community Service [Huntington’s Community Service]
Leonard Cheshire - Assistive Technology [66 S Lambeth Road]
Leonard Cheshire - Scotland Operations [Murrayburgh House]
Libyan Embassy **FG** [Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab]
Life Care (Australia) [128 Greenhill Road]
Life Changes Trust [Edward House]
Link Housing C-urb 6 Ltd [Link Housing]
Liverpool Hope University [Personnel]
Livewell Southwest [Nr5 Payable F075]
London Ambulance Service PO required [Department Of Clinical Education And Standards]
Lothian Health Board [Accounts Payable Department]
Lybster and Tannoch Fund [Talagang House]
M&G Building [Kildean Business Park]
MHA [Epworth House]
Macmillan Cancer Support [Finance And Grants Administrator]
Malta Sports Scholarship [Great Siege Road]
Marie Curie - London [1 Embassy Gardens]
Marine Institute [Finance]
Maryhill Housing Association [45 Garrioch Road]
Medical Rescue College gem.GmbH [Hans-urmiller-ring 11]
Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia [Atlantic Boulevard]
Mediflex Pvt LTd [Main Wazirabad Road]
Mental Health Foundation [Mental Health Foundation]
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust [Organisational Effectiveness & Learning Department]
Midlothian Council (Social Work) [Social Work Department]
Midlothian District Council [Buccleuch House]
Ministry of Education Science & Technology (Nairobi) [Jogoo House]
Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology [Centre For Education Funding Services]
Ministry of Finance (Jakarta) [Indonesia Endowment Fund For Education]
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia [Finance Education And Training Agency]
Ministry of Health Liberia [Bong County Health Team]
Ministry of Higher Education (Malaysia) [ Scholarship Div]
Ministry of National Education in Turkey [Turkish Embassy]
Minnesota State University [Office Ah 103l]
Miyazaki Municipal University [1-1-2 Funazuka]
Mohegan Tribe [13 Crow Hill Road]
Monmouth College [700 E Broadway]
Moray Council (Community Services Dept.) [Community Services Department]
Moredun Research Institute [The Moredun Group]
Mount Mercy University [University Center, 240 J]
Multi-Cultural Family Base [50 Coburg Street]
Munro & Noble Solicitors And Estate Agents [Georgesons Solicitors]
NASKAB BUSINESS FIRM [Opposite Multicredit]
NHS 24 PO required [Nhs 24 Finance Dept]
NHS 2gether Foundation Trust [Trust Hq Rikenel]
NHS Ayr Hospital [Ayr Hospital]
NHS Ayrshire & Arran (Cardiac Rehabilitation) [Cardiac Rehabilitation Team]
NHS Ayrshire & Arran Health Board (Ailsa Hospital) [Greenan House Finance Division]
NHS Birmingham Community Healthcare [Po Box 4029]
NHS Borders [Borders Health Board]
NHS CNWL Foundation Trust *PO Required* [Rv3 Payables F585]
NHS Cambridge University Hospitals [Cambridge University Hospitals Nhs]
NHS Dumfries & Galloway (SLT Adult Service) [Slt Adult Service]
NHS Dumfries & Galloway *PO Required* [Dumfries & Galloway Health Board]
NHS East of England Ambulance Trust [Hospital Lane]
NHS Education for Scotland *PO Required* [Finance Department]
NHS England [X24 Payables K005]
NHS Fife (Hayfiled Road) [Director Of Nursing]
NHS Fife (Health & Social Care Partnership) [Community Care Services]
NHS Fife (Mitchelson Ind Estate) [Financial Services Centre]
NHS Fife (Practice & Professional Development) [Head Of Practice And Professional]
NHS Forth Valley (CAHMS Stirling) [Forth Valley Camhs (stirling)]
NHS Forth Valley (Corporate Offices) *PO Required* [Corporate Offices]
NHS Forth Valley Acute Hospitals Trust (Financial Services) *PO Requi... [Accounts Payable Departmen...]
NHS Forth Valley Endowments [Central Supplies]
NHS Forth Valley Health Promotion Service [Nhs Forth Valley]
NHS Forth Valley Learning & Education *PO Required* [Learning Centre]
NHS George Eliot Hospital Trust [Getec]
NHS Gloucestershire ICB [Qr1 Payables M995]
NHS Grampian [Practice Development Room]
NHS Grampian (Chalmers Hospital) [Chalmers Hospital]
NHS Grampian (Health & Social Care) [Summerfield House]
NHS Grampian (Older Adults Mental Health) [Directorate Support Manager]
NHS Grampian (Spynie Hospital) [Moray Chsp]
NHS Grampian (Ward 114 Emergency Care Centre, Aberdeen RI) [Nhs Grampian]
NHS Grampian FNP Nursing [3rd Floor]
NHS Grampian Health Care Trust [Finance Section]
NHS Grampian Nursing and Midwifery [Mh And Ld Services]
NHS Grampian Primary Care Post Registration Budget [H&scp Offices]
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (Adult Acute Dietetic Service) [Dietetic Services]
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (Learning & Education Centre) [Learning And Education Centre]
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (PPSU) [Prescribing & Pharmacy Policy]
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (Payments Dept) *PO Required* [Payments Department]
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (Staff Bursary) PO REQUIRED [Nhs Greater Glasgow & Clyde]
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde NMAHP Directorate ***PO REQUIRED [Nmahp Directorate]
NHS Highland [Finance Department]
NHS Highland [Finance Department]
NHS Highland [Lorn & Islands Hospital]
NHS Lanarkshire [Accounts Payable Department]
NHS Lothian *PO Required* [Accounts Receivable]
NHS Lothian, Miss Carol Frith [Woodburn Cottage]
NHS Manchester University Foundation Trust *PO Required* [Finance Department]
NHS National Services Scotland [Gyle Square]
NHS Newcastle Upon Tyne [Accounts Payable]
NHS North East Ambulance Service [Bernicia House]
NHS Northumbria Healthcare [Learning & Development]
NHS Shetland (Health Improvement) [Nhs Shetland (health Improvement)]
NHS Somerset Foundation Trust [Finance Dept 54660a]
NHS South Central Ambulance Foundation Trust [Education Facilitator – Cppd And Apprenticeships]
NHS Suffolk & North East Essex ICB [Nhs Suffolk & North East Essex Icb]
NHS Tayside (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services) [17 Dunhope Terrace]
NHS Tayside (Dementia Research) [Neuroprogressive & Dementia]
NHS Tayside (Health Visiting) PO REQUIRED [Lead Nurse - Children & Families]
NHS Tayside (Maryfiled House, Dundee) *PO Required* [Tayside Nhs Board]
NHS Tayside (Nursing & Midwifery) [Accounts Payable]
NHS Tayside (Nursing & Midwifery) [Nursing & Midwifery Directorate]
NHS Tayside (Royal Victoria Day Hospital) [Royal Victoria Day Hospital]
NHS Tayside Child Protection Service [Wallacetown Health Centre]
NHS Tayside Education & Training Endowment Fund [Accounts Payable]
NHS Tayside Hospital at Home [Beechgrove House]
NHS Tayside Renal Endowment Fund [Nhs Tayside]
NHS Tees Esk & Wear Valley [Flatts Lane Centre]
NHS Trust Development Authority [T74 Payables F495]
NHS Wales St. Cadocs Hospital PO REQUIRED [St. Cadocs Hospital]
NHS Western IslesPO REQUIRED [37 South Beach Street]
National Fostering Group [1 Merchants Place]
National Insurance Company Limited [4th Floor, R R Towers]
National Police Agency Japan [Kasumigaseki2-1-2]
National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Panama [Building 205]
National Universities Commission [26 Aja Nwachukwu House]
Nespak Housing Society [212-c Nespak Society Phase 2]
Neuroprogressive & Dementia Network [Room E1.20]
New College Lanarkshire (Human Resources) *PO Required* [Human Resources]
Newark & Sherwood District Council [Newark And Sherwood District Council]
Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [Foundation Trust]
Newmount Ahafo Development [Post Office Box 30]
Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) [Plot C5/c6, Eastern Bypass 1]
Non INTO Pathways Overseas [Communications, Marketing And Recruitment]
North Ayrshire Council (Education & Skills) [Education And Skills]
North Ayrshire Council (Housing Services) [Housing Services]
North Ayrshire Council (Social Work Dept.) [Social Services 4th Floor]
North Ayrshire Council, Governance Team Performance PO required [North Ayrshire Council]
North Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership []
North Bristol NHS Trust [Rvj Payables 6345]
North Lanarkshire Council (Health & Social Care) [Children, Families & Justice]
North Lanarkshire Council (Learning & Organisational Development) [Housing & Social Work]
North Lanarkshire Council (Municipal Buildings) [Municipal Buildings]
North Lanarkshire Council (Talent & Organisational Development) [Civic Centre]
North Wales Housing [Plas Blodwel]
North Yorkshire Council [County Hall]
Northcare (Scotland) Limited [Lindsayfield Lodge Care Home]
Northern Health and Social Care Trust [Care Trust Headquarters]
Nottingham Trent University [50 Shakespeare Street]
Nottinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust [Community Mental Health Team]
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust [Finance Department]
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust [Rampton Hospital]
Nursing & Midwifery Planning & development [1st Floor Scott Building]
Oak Lodge Medical Practice [Oak Lodge]
Ochil View Housing Ass. Ltd [Ochil House]
Ogba - Egbema - Ndoni Local Government Council [Ogba - Egbema - Ndoni Local Government]
Okrika Local Government [Pmb 25]
Olympiazentrum Vorarlberg GmbH [Höchsterstr. 82]
Oncology Department NHS Forth Valley [Oncology Department]
Onward Homes [Renaissance Court]
Optima Care Partnership [Optima Care Partnership]
Orchard House Health Centre [Orchard House Health Centre]
Orkney Islands Council [Orkney Health & Care]
Outdoor Lab Foundation [Outdoor Lab Foundation]
P/F Fiskaaling [Vid Air]
PATH (Scotland) [19 Lynedoch Crescent]
Pace University [163 William Street]
Paisley Housing Association [Paisley South Housing Association]
Parkhead Housing Association [40 Helenvale Street]
Partners in Health [Po Box 1890]
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust [225 Old Street]
People First (Scotland) [77 - 79 Easter Road]
Perth & Kinross Council PO required [Pullar House]
Perth & Kinross Council (Education & Children's Services) PO required... [Planning , Performance And Pa...]
Perth City Medical Centre [Caledonian Road]
Perth and Scone Medical Group [Perth And Scone Medical Group]
Petroleum Techology Development Fund [Plot 1058 Memorial Drive]
Pineview Housing Association [5 Rozelle Avenue]
Pipeland Medical Practice [Pipeland Medical Practice]
Platon School S.A. [Eleytheriou Venizelou Street]
Plymouth Marine Laboratory [Prospect Place]
Podiatry Scholarship []
Port of Leith Housing Association [Edinburgh]
Postgraduate Taught East Asia 7K Scholarship [Admisisons & Access]
Praxis Care Learning & Development [Praxis Care Finance Department]
Premier Oil Vietnam Offshore B.V. [Level 5, Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh City]
Pride General Holdings [2533 Hertzog Blvd]
Priory Adult Care [Learning & Development Team]
Public Health Scotland [Gyle Square]
Punjab National Bank Bhandup East [50 Amardeep Chsl]
Quality Improvement Support NHS Ayrshire and Arran [Nhs Ayrshire And Arran]
QuantData SPRL [Dries 85 1170 Watermael-boitsfort]
Queen Victoria School [Queen Victoria School]
RDaSH NHS Foundation Trust [Holly Lodge]
Raigmore Hospital [Raigmore Hospital]
Rehab Group [Learning & Organisational Manager]
Remo-North Local Government, Nigeria [Remo-north Local Government]
Renfrewshire Council (Children Servies) [Renfrewshire Council (children Servies)]
Renfrewshire Council (Social Work Training Section) [The Charleston Centre]
Reserve Bank of Malawi [Director Of Human Resources]
Robert Gordon University (School of Health Sciences) [School Of Health Sciences]
Rockwool Ltd T/A Rockfon [Wern Tarw]
Rosehill Housing Association Limited [250 Peat Road]
Rossie Young People's Trust [Finance Office]
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies [University Of Edinburgh]
Royal Conservative of Scotland [100 Renfrew Street]
Royal Cornhill Hospital - Fulton Clinic [Cornhill Road]
Royal Edinburgh & Associated Services [Reas]
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia **FG** [Cultural Bureau]
Royal Grammar School Worcester [Upper Tything]
Royal Marsden Hospital**PO Required** [Rpy Payables F255]
Royal National Lifeboat Institution [West Quay Road]
Royal Thai Government [Office Of Educational Affairs]
Rural Stirling Housing Association [Stirling Road]
SOLENT NHS TRUST [R1c Payables F595]
SPORTCOMMA BV [Laan Van 's-gravenhout 3]
SRUC [Postgraduate Office]
SRUC - CELT [Sruc]
SSE [Walton]
SUE RYDER CARE [Dee View Court]
Sainsbury's Bank [3 Lochside Avenue]
Salisbury University [Center For International]
Salle Ossian Fencing Club [Salle Ossian Fencing Club]
Salvation Army Cardiff [Northlands Life House]
Salvation Army Granby Centre [9/10 Granby Road]
Sanctuary Care [Chamber Court]
Schroders Personal Wealth [5th Floor]
Scottish Ambulance Service (Education & Professional Development) *PO ... [Educational & Profess...]
Scottish Ambulance Service (Financial Services) *PO Required* [Gyle Square]
Scottish Borders Council [Council Headquarters]
Scottish Borders Council (Workforce Planning & Development) [Workforce Planning & Development]
Scottish Canoe Association [Grandtully Station Park]
Scottish Enterprise [Scottish Enterprise Hq]
Scottish Fottball Museum [Hampden Park]
Scottish Golf [Arrol House]
Scottish Government (Higher Education & Learning Support) [Policy Officer]
Scottish Government (Victoria Quay) *PO Required* [Seas Invoice Processing]
Scottish Huntington's Association [Business First]
Scottish Huntingtons Association [Business First]
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission Plc (SSE) [Maccoll House]
Scottish Improvement Science Centre [University Of Dundee]
Scottish Nursing Guild [160 Dundee Street]
Scottish Power [Scottish Power]
Scottish War Blinded [5 Gillespie Crescent]
Scottish Water [The Bridge]
Sekyere Kumawu District Assembly [The Consular]
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust [Finance Department]
Shetland Islands Council (Education & Social Care) [Education And Social Care]
Sight Scotland Veterans [Learning & Development]
Singapore Sports School [1 Champions Way]
Society for the Study of Addiction [Ssa Chief Officer]
Society for the Study of Addiction [Room 5 Rothersthorpe House]
Sothys Singapore Pte Ltd [41 Kallang Pudding Road #03-01]
South Ayrshire Council (Burns House) [Burns House]
South Ayrshire Council (Educaitonal Services) [Educational Services]
South Ayrshire Council (Housing) [Prestwick Housing Office]
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust [Bso Payments Shared Services]
South Lanarkshire Council (Finance & Corporate) [Finance And Corporate Resources]
South Lanarkshire Council (Social Work) PO REQUIRED [South Lanarkshire Council]
Southern Health & Social Care Trust NI [Head Of Physiotherapy Services]
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust [Rw1 Payable F225]
Southern Health and Social Care Trust [Po Box 1048]
Southside Housing Association [135 Fifty Pitches Road]
Sport Scotland [Doges]
St Andrews Healthcare [Billing Road]
St Andrews Medical Practice [St Andrews Lane]
St Catherine University [2004 Randolph Avenue]
St Christopher's Hospice [Finance Department]
St Francis College [St. Francis College]
St Giles Hospice [St Giles Hospice]
St Norbert College [Center For Global Engagement]
State Bank of India [10e Maredpally Road]
State Bank of India [Racpc, Rajarhat]
State University of New York [College At Brockport]
States of Guernsey [Vendor Services Team]
States of Jersey [Employment, Social Security And Housing]
Stephens College [1200 E Broadway]
Stirling Council (Childrens Services) *PO required* [Childrens Services]
Stirling Council (Education Service) *PO required* [Education Service]
Stirling Council (Environmental & Housing Services) *PO required* [Environmental & Housing Services]
Stirling Council (Land Services) *PO Required* [Land Services]
Stirling Council (Organisational Development & Change) *PO required* [Organisational Development & Cha...]
Stirling Council (Professional Development) *PO required* [Municipal Buildings]
Stirling Council Refugee Resettlement Programme *PO required* [Support & Integration Officer]
Stirlingshire Education Trust *PO required* [68 Port Street]
Strathcarron Hospice [Randolph Hill]
Student Loans Company Ltd *PO Required* [100 Bothwell Street]
Styrelsen for Videregaende Uddannelser [Bredgade 43]
Sultanate of Oman **FG** [Cultural Attache]
Susquehanna University [Office Of Cross-cultural Programs]
Sussex Partnership NHS Trust FT [Pw8 Payable 4695]
Swaziland Government [Ministry Labour And Public Se]
TACT Fostering [Innovation House]
Tayside Council on Alcohol [Tayside Council On Alcohol (tca)]
Technical and Vocational Training Corporation [Tvtc]
Tertiary Education Trust Fund [6 Zambezi Crescent]
The Edrington Group [100 Queen Street]
The Erskine Home [Princes Park]
The Gaelic Books Council [32 Mansfield Street]
The Hashemite University [The Hashemite University]
The James Hutton institute [Errol Road]
The Nightingale Fellowship [Esmond Bequest Education Fund]
The Nightingale Fund Council [5 Paddock Court]
The Nurses Memorial to King Edward [Johnston Smillie]
The Royal and Ancient Golf Club Scholarship [R&a Group Services Limited]
The Salvation Army [The Salvation Army]
The Salvation Army SISTAD [William Booth College]
The Salvation Army UK & Ireland [Territorial Headquarters]
The Scottish Football Association []
The State Hospital (Training & Professional Dev) [Training & Professional Development Manager]
The Thai Government [Office Of Educ Affairs]
The US - UK Fulbright Commisson []
The University of Kansas [Study Abroad Coordinator]
The University of the West of Scotland *PO Required* [Finance Department]
The Wallich [The Wallich Cardiff Hub]
Tillicoultry Health Centre [Park Street]
Tollcross Housing Association [868 Tollcross Road]
Triple Point Investment Management LLP [1 King William Street]
Trust Housing Association [12 New Mart Road]
Turkish Embasy [Office Of The]
Turning Point Scotland [54 Govan Road]
Umaru Musa Yar'adua University [P.m.b. 2218]
United Arab Emirates Embassy [48 Princes Gate]
Universidade do Porto [Rua De Ceuta]
University Hospital Waterford [Accounts Dept]
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust [Workforce & Education - 2nd Floor Springfield Buil]
University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) [Virginia Street Gym #5]
University of Bedfordshire PO required [Community & Health, Health & Social Sciences]
University of Botswana [Office Of The Deputy Vice Chancellor]
University of Bradford - School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership [School Of Nursing & Healthcare Lea...]
University of Dundee [Castle]
University of Dundee (Neuorscience) [Division Of Neuroscience]
University of Economics [International Office]
University of Edinburgh [Scottish Graduate School]
University of Edinburgh [Accounts Payable]
University of Edinburgh [The College Of Arts, Humanities And Social Science]
University of Glasgow *PO Required* [Finance Office]
University of Highlands & Islands (UHI) []
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign [Study Abroad Office]
University of Indianapolis [1400 E Hanna Avenue]
University of Massachusetts Amherst [Associate Programs]
University of Minnesota Duluth [Internaitonal Programs & Services]
University of Mississippi [Po Box 187]
University of North Carolina - Wilmington [ Edu]
University of North Dakota [Education Abroad Officer]
University of Northern Iowa [1227 W 27th St]
University of Oxford (Biomed Research) *PO Required* [Nirh Oxford Biomed Research Centre]
University of St Andrews [Finance Department]
University of Strathclyde *PO REQUIRED* [University Of Strathclyde]
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire [Assistant Study Abroad Coordinator]
University of Wisconsin - Green Bay [Office Of International Education]
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse [International Education & Engagement]
VIP Day Centre [The Barn]
Velindre university NHS Trust [Velindre University Nhs Trust Headquarters]
Vogelzang Law [401 N Michigan Avenue, Suite 350]
Wallacetown Gardens [Wallacetown Gardens]
Waseda University [Programme Coordinator For Europe]
Wellcome Trust [215 Euston Road]
Wells College [Office Of The Controller]
West College Scotland **POR** [Purchase Ledger]
West Dunbartonshire Council [Finance Section]
West Lothian College PO required [Almondvale Crescent]
West Lothian Council (CPD Unit) [West Lothian Civic Centre]
West Lothian Council (Education Services CPD Unit) [Education Services (cpd Unit)]
West Lothian Council (Learning & Development) [Learning & Development Social]
West Lothian Council (Social Policy Learning & Development) [Social Policy Learning & Dev]
West Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership [Arrochar House]
West Northamptonshire Council (PO REQUIRED) [New Shire Hall]
Western Isles Health Board (MacAulay Road) [Western Isles Hospital]
Western Trust - Lakeview Hospital [Lakeview Hospital]
Western Trust NHS [Altnagelvin Hospital]
Wheatley Group *PO Required* [25 Cochrane Street]
Whins Medical Practice [The Whins Medical Practice]
Wigan Council [Wigan Life Centre South]
Williamsburgh Housing Association [Ralston House]
Wills bros civil engineering [Maxim 3 Parklands Avenue]
Witherby Publishing Group Charitable Trust [Navigation House]
Woodlands school [36 Dolphin Ave]
World Wide Soccer LLC [10402 Severn Road]
Wyre Forest District Council [Wyre Forest District Council]
Yasan Biasiswa Sarawak Tunku Abdul Rahman [No 17 Lot 10592]
York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals Trust [Trust Finance Dept]
Yorkshire Ladies Council of Education [Ylce Awards]
Youth Commission for Guernsey and Alderney [Unit 3&4]
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